
exception pyunitwizard._private.exceptions.LibraryNotFoundError(library=None, caller=None, message=None)[source]

Exception raised when a library required by the user is not found.

Some libraries are not considered as dependencies by PyUnitWizard. These libraries are required if the user choose to work with a specific quantities’ package. In this case, the user hat to install it previousy. It that’s not the case, the method will raise this exceptions suggesting the manual installation.


argument (str) – The name of the not found library.


LibraryNotFoundError – A message is printed out with the name of the class or the method raising the exception, the name of the not found library, the link to the API documentation, and the link to the issues board of PytUnitWizard’s GitHub repository.


>>> from pyunitwizard._private.exceptions import LibraryNotFoundError
>>> def method_name(item, argument='pint'):
...    if argument == 'pint':
...       try:
...          import pint
...       except:
...          raise LibraryNotFoundError('pint')
...    pass